Wednesday 4 March 2015

Angel Pukeko

Part 1 Draw a pukeko’s habitat. Write a paragraph to go with it explaining all the features that must be present. The Pukeko’s live on the edge of the pond and the lake.Some times they are a swimming kind of bird running and diving bird and flying kind of bird.They fly away low over the water to safety but they remember pukeko are shy. what they eat is grass and they eat beard plants And what they dink is water.If you make a noise it will go on to the orther side. Part 2 Find out about another native New Zealand bird. Here are some helpful sites: Department of Conservation Kiwi conservation Club Present what you find out about: What the bird is will go on the orther side. Where it enjoys living.on the edge or the pond and the lake. What it eats.grass and beard and plants. Something you found when they run or walk. This is  all about were pukeko's live and  what they eat and what do they do.

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