Thursday, 14 May 2015

Creative Paragraphs- Man In Space

This week we have been learning to rework our writing to make our paragraphs interesting for our audience. We started by writing a creative sentence about this picture. As a class we will choose Nate's sentence because we liked it the best and wrote a paragraph each to follow the chosen sentence. Here is the beginning of my story that starts with Nate's sentence.

.A spaceman bravely walks out into the icy milky way. as he walks he watches the milky way. the stars look like they are moving.

 When the milky way is movies it looks like the stars are moving to but when the milky way is moving the stars ain't moving it is always funny because it is actually moving it is only the milky way.

 And all around the milky way it is thick and cold when you go to space you go in a ship you can go in a ship with a friend or your family you can go anywhere you can go to the city.

 When we got to the city we went to the milky way when we got to the city there was a jet plane when the jet plane was there went in to it.

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