Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Year 7/8 Group Rotations

Today is the first day of year 8 camp.While they're away the year7s are having fun and participating in Activities the activities were art cooking and all sorts of games.The activity my group went to was games the games we played was try and make a tower with marshmallows and spaghetti sticks the time we had for that game was 25mins after 25mins of building the tower Mrs Judd measured all of our towers and then after that we played another game.So the other game we played was a premed game which we had to use was cups what we had to do was use a band and strings that were tied to the band the Amie of the game was to try and make a premed with it our group was straggling because it was so hard but then it was time up so then we had tried and take it down and then remake it once we did that we finally won when that game was finish we played our last game.The last game we played was we had to use pom-poms and straws what we had to do was get into our four groups and then sit out the back of the blue line and then wait till the teacher says go once she says go you go up-to the table and then you sack into the pom-poms and then put it on the other side of the table you have to do ten of them once you finish the other person go's you only get 1min to see how many people gets a turn if you get more then the other group then you when.So those are the games my group played it was so fun because the first game we played was funny because it was messy and we were throwing the marshmallows around when Mrs Judd wasn't looking also some of the other people in the other groups were eating the marshmallows even though Mrs Judd said not to eat it so then the boys eat them it was so so funny that was my favourite game of the day.

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