Monday, 11 December 2017

Mr Patterson & Raenan

Mr Patterson came into team five and he had brang a guest with him which was a old yr8 at ptengland school that is now in yr12 at Tamaki collage. He had came to tell us to be aware of opportunities in collage. My most Impacting thing that Raenan said was when we get to collage just work hard and don't listen to what other people say because they are liars.

What Inspired me the most was when Raenan had talked about goals. Once you set a goal and achieve them you never know when your goal has became true. when Raenan had set a goal it had became true he was really happy to become head boy of Tamaki collage he had set that goal for 4 years and through out those 4 years he had been working hard to become a head boy.

So whatever collage you go to just appreciate what collage your parents had put you in and remember take advantage of the opportunities.

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