Monday, 21 May 2018

Free write

      Travelling around the world.

Make the most of it:You’re about to embark upon a journey that will be life changing.Let it.Meet new people, do things you didn’t see yourself doing,And learn from it.This may be your one opportunity.

Think safely:Going around the world can be as dangerous as you let it be.Take the appropriate precautions to avoid being taken advantage of.
Thinking safely is a very important thing it will only be important if you are going to travel by yourself.The reason why it is important is because the country your going could have very dangerous people there so you have to at least have someone with you.

Keep In touch with your family:For safety purposes, every few days find an Internet cafe and email your parents or friends, so they know where you are in case of an emergency.
It's not difficult to get a cheap phone if you're staying in an area for a reasonably significant amount of time. It may be as simple as switching out your sim card.
Only bring your computer if you're working or otherwise truly need it. Otherwise it will be cumbersome and you'll just worry about it being stolen.

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